BlackMarket illegal trade of the AK-47

Arms Trade Problem-Solution Essay


The Illegal Trade of the AK-47 Causes Conflicts


            The illegal trade of the Avtomat Kalashnikova or AK-47 has made 3rd world countries able to fight against the U.S. They can purchase this weapon at cheap prices because of mass production. The AK-47 is the most produced and most sold weapon in the world right now. I believe if we don’t stop that we may be over-run by terrorist or gangs and the country will crumble. This will affect the U.S.’s economy and may cause the death of many soldiers and civilians.

            I have thought long about some ideas on ways to stop the illegal trades of this weapon and the black market. One of them is to completely shutdown the trades and black market, by sending troops to our major cities and surveying them day to night trying to find them. If we make a deal with our allies, we can ensure that they will crack down on there illegal trades to, so we can make an end to the black market. This will destroy the black market and will not affect the surrounding areas. I believe this is a great solution and will help us win wars more easily.

            Another solution I have come up with is to put spies in major trade cities and let them use there abilities to take out the dealers. They can snipe them, blow them up, or set of a nuclear bomb and kill themselves for their country. This may hurt the civilians, but it will turn out better in the end. This is not the smartest plan, but it will work and it will destroy them. If we let the spies try to take them out on their own it would be better.

            If we charge them with brute force they will leave and be another countries problem.  They will fear us and stay away in order to survive. We have to teach them a basic lesson, who rules and who follows or who is stronger and who is weaker. If we can stomp them out and rid this world of them we will be heroes to almost everybody. They will fight back but we must over-take them if we do not it will be devastating.

            These are perfect ideas and will stop the ever-growing terrorist attacks and groups. Destroying them is the only way to stop the illegal trades and stop the Black Market from selling illegal items. I believe we can succeed over them and win all though they have many countries and many people. This is the only way that will work and will not backfire on us. These are my plans to stop this from happening and from growing.